

吉恩立成立於2003年8月,為韓國NCSOFT在台灣的子公司,NCSOFT成立於1997年,總部設於韓國首爾,曾開發出多款創新又暢銷的遊戲,其中包括了《天堂》、《新天堂Ⅱ》、《City of Heroes》,以及《AION 永恆紀元》。NCSOFT在美國、歐洲、亞洲各地皆設有子公司和合資企業,並在2000年7月於KOSDAQ股票上市,為世界頂尖的線上遊戲開發及發行商。 吉恩立身為NCSOFT的台灣子公司,最大核心優勢在於可優先取得母公司所研發的遊戲代理權,並與韓國研發團隊密切接觸,提供台港澳地區的玩家最完善、迅速的產品與服務。持續透過與NCSOFT及各海外子公司的經驗交流,積極提昇對玩家服務的品質,引領所有玩家都能盡情享受遊戲世界的愉快、樂趣及感動。

World’s Leading Online Game Company

Founded in 1997, NCSOFT is one of the largest game companies in the world with subsidiaries and partnerships across Asia, North America and Europe. The company was one of the pioneers in the online game market and was successfully listed at the Korea Exchange (KOSDAQ) in July 2000. Today NCSOFT is home to numerous industry-leading franchises, including Aion, City of Heroes Guild Wars, Lineage and Lineage II. NC Taiwan (NCT), a subsidiary of NCSOFT, was established in August 2003 to provide game services in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau. As part of the global NCSOFT family, NCT has priority to bring the most successful NCSOFT franchises to the region while obtaining close support from the development teams to deliver the best experiences to the gamers.