
頂尖線上遊戲開發商NCSOFT,耗時五年所精心研發的《AION 永恆紀元》,自2006年第一次在「G-STAR」公開亮相後,持續受到全世界廣大遊戲群衆的關注,並且成為韓國遊戲搜尋排行第一名及最受期待的網路遊戲。2008年11月11日展開公測之後,在線人數超越20萬人,創下韓國當年度公測的最高紀錄;而2008年11月25日正式收費後,每一項成績都持續不斷創造出新紀錄。NCSOFT執行長 金澤辰先生表示,「這是一個創紀錄的水準之作,也證明了《AION 永恆紀元》將為線上遊戲市場發展注入新的活力」。 「AION 永恆紀元就如同交響樂團般的豐富!」NCSOFT執行長 金澤辰先生曾經表示:《AION 永恆紀元》華麗的美型風貌,再加上多樣的遊戲元素,結合東西方對遊戲的需求與風格,就如同一場美妙的交響樂完整豐富。《AION 永恆紀元》因龐大的遊戲架構、驚豔的遊戲畫面,更在2008年大韓民國遊戲大獎中贏得象徵最高榮譽的「總統獎」,直到現在仍是世界上許多國家裡最受玩家歡迎的線上遊戲。

With 5 years of intensive research and developments, NCSOFT, world’s leader in online gaming development held their public debut for《AION 永恆紀元》at「G-STAR」2006. NCSOFT, world’s leading online gaming company, introduced Aion to the public during the 2006 G-STAR show after five years of intensive development. Soon after its release, Aion garnered huge traction and impressed the gaming world with its stunning graphics and revolutionary game-play. Ranked No. 1 in popularity, Aion became one of the most anticipated online games in Korea.
Aion set a record for more than 200,000 concurrent users during the Open Beta launch on November 11th, 2008. Since its official offering on November 25th during the same year, Aion shattered most of the records in the industry. Mr. T.J. Kim, CEO of NCSOFT, proudly announced that Aion “sets a new benchmark in the industry and opens a new phase in online gaming.”
Mr. Kim further explains, “with gorgeous graphic presentation and abundant content, combined with the gaming style of the East and the West, Aion provides entertainment value as rich as a symphony orchestra”. Aion was awarded with the “President Award” in 2008, equivalent to the highest achievement in game development in Korea. It is still one of the most popular games in many parts of the world today.


在《AION 永恆紀元》的世界中,玩家必須選擇扮演天族或魔族,為了完成背負的使命,通過層層任務考驗,展開翅膀進行空中對戰,努力成為種族英雄。遊戲特色不僅如此,運用頂級Crytec 遊戲引擎,讓遊戲角色擁有前所未見的靈活行動,模擬真實情境的表情動作,或是展開羽翼華麗飛翔,藉著高科技的製圖技術,畫面細緻有如好萊塢動畫般的超高水準。
《AION 永恆紀元》所挑戰的目標,是把平常想像的奇幻世界用影像真實地呈現在玩家的眼前。繼2011年《天培爾的淬煉2.5》大型改版讓全球玩家體驗了一場視覺驚豔後,相信接下來所推出的新遊戲內容都將超越全球玩家的期待。

In the world of《AION 永恆紀元》, gamers are able to select characters either from the Elyos or the Asmodians, to enjoy and accomplish their missions. With many different types of missions and achievements, gamers can spread their wings on aerial battles striving to become the ultimate hero.
The use of top Crytec game engine to stimulate characters in 《AION 永恆紀元》with real-life flexibility in actions and expressions, leaving gamers to spread their wings and flying through the high-tech graphics and background similar to a Hollywood movie production. The objectives and goals of the game《AION 永恆紀元》is to present true images of this fantasy world before the eyes of gamers.


《AION 永恆紀元》的故事背景,是敘述遠古時代以永恆之塔為中心,有一個世界叫『亞特雷亞』,是由天界、魔界和異度空間構成的。起初『亞特雷亞』是一個完整的世界,身為守護者的天魔兩族,共用守護著支撐世界平衡的「永恆之塔」,後來封印在異界中的龍族變得異常強大,野心讓他們想跟造物主對抗,欲搶奪『亞特雷亞』的支配權,成為了『亞特雷亞』世界最大的威脅。

Set in an ancient time, a World known as『Ateria』was created with the existence of 3 races; Elyos, Asmodians and the dragon like Balaurs. In the Ateria World, Tower of Eternity was shared by Elyos and Asmodians, and it has brought peace and equilibrium with guardians from these two races. The dragon like Balaurs sealed within the Inner Space, with their strengthening forces and ever growing ambitions. They fought against the Creator over the dominance of Ateria, threatening its tranquility and balance.
With 12 immortals send by the Creator in the celestial war against the Balaurs, evenly matched after a thousand years of battle, the Balaurs was eventually banished from Ateria. The catastrophic battles which lead to the destruction of the Tower of Eternity, has divided Ateria into two. With fragments of the Tower of Eternity scattered between the space of the Elyos and the Asmodians, forming floating islands. With the destruction of the Tower of Eternity, vengeance and dispute spread among the Elyos and Asmodians accusing each other over the responsibility and caused for the split of Ateria. The once peaceful guardians have turned against each other, forming opposing forces leading to endless battle.




Battles between the Elyos and Asmodians

Gamers have an option to choose between the characters of Elyos or Asmodians. With their individual ideals of survival, gamers strived to be the ultimate hero contributing in every revolving battles and infinite war.



Unique role in character customization.

Gamers are free to customize their own characters with unique and non stereotype facial features, appearance and built. Allow gamers to have more fun and create every character unique to its own.



Impressive aerial combats; spreading the wings of victory.

Flying is no longer a dream or a mode of transport, it has become a necessary combat skill for gamers to master in the battles of《AION 永恆紀元》.



Combat techniques; eliminating opponents with magnificent combos.

Battles within opponents are not a mere fight, a combination of important strategic moves and combat techniques, will result in a greater damage against opponents.



Lively, dramatic missions

Given the general and sub-missions, upon reaching a certain level, hidden and special tasks will be revealed. Gamers will have little difficulty finding NPCs with clear guidelines given in the process of the missions.

嶄新風貌 怎麼都搶眼


Impressive and Eye-Catching Images.

Trendy fashions with accessories for banquets can be purchased in luxury boutiques, allowing gamers to experience life in a higher society. Besides fashions, 50 sets of specially designed wings can be purchased, with each set giving the gamer a dazzling appearance and unique abilities.

新樂趣!寵物來進擊 遊戲世界有巧思


Innovative implementations of pets into online games.

With the implementations of distinctive pets with special abilities like their amusing pouch, large storage space and the abilities to produce special props, the pets have captured the hearts of many gamers. Accompanying the gamers in Balaurea with their fearless attitude, the adorable pets are able to spread their little wings roaming the sky with their owners.


2008.12 AION永恆紀元 2008大韓民國遊戲大賞 獲得最高榮譽「總統獎」
2008. 12 Aion® received the top honor of “Presidential Award” at the 2008 Korean Game Awards.

2009. 8 AION永恆紀元 歐洲遊戲展 Gamescom 獲得最佳線上遊戲獎
2009. 8 Aion® won “The Best Online Game Award” at Gamescom 2010.

2009. 9 AION永恆紀元 2009 Penny Arcade展 獲得最佳MMO遊戲獎
2009. 9 Aion® received “The Best MMO Game Award” at the 2009 Penny Arcade Expo.

2011. 8 AION永恆紀元 2011 亞洲遊戲網絡大獎 獲得「亞洲最高榮譽大獎」
2011. 8 Aion® received the“Grand Award”at the 2011 Asia Online Game Awards.

2011. 8 AION永恆紀元 2011 亞洲遊戲網絡大獎 獲得「最具創意獎」
2011. 8 Aion® received“The Best Creative Award” at the 2011 Asia Online Game Awards.

2011. 8 AION永恆紀元 2011 亞洲遊戲網絡大獎 獲得「南韓區最受歡迎網路遊戲獎」
2011. 8 Aion® received“South Korea Most Popular Online Game Award” at the 2011 Asia Online Game Awards.